What is SBI Gold Fund?
SBIGold Fund is an open ended Fund of Fund (FOF) scheme that invests predominantly in the units of SBI Gold Exchange Traded Scheme (SBI GETS). The scheme seeks to provide returns that closely correspond to returns provided by SBI Gold Exchange Traded Scheme (SBI GETS). You can invest in SBI Gold Fund just like any other mutual fund scheme without the hassles of opening a demat account, providing you an opportunity to take exposure into Gold as an asset class, in a convenient way.
Benefits of SBI Gold Fund
• No Demat
• No Wealth Tax
• SIP Facility available
• Min. Inv.: Rs. 5000
Gold - A wealth creator
For centuries, gold has been considered a symbol of security & prosperity. Indians buy or present gold extensively on important occasions, be it a wedding or some religious festival. It is considered to be one of the safest forms of storing wealth. These aspects of Indian culture has made India the world's largest consumer of gold (source: World Gold Council). Gold is considered as a safe haven for the future as it is valued as a savings vehicle and is one of the preferred investment avenues.
Gold - A consistent performer
Gold has delivered consistent returns of over 19% in various time horizons as shown in the graph below. Source: Bloomberg. Returns are in CAGR. Return of Gold in USD as on July 29, 2011. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future.